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My Services


Learning to Lead

I have spent much of my life learning to lead people and unraveling the mystery of leadership and ministry plans unrealized. I am now excited to help pastors, leaders and ministry teams learn to work together for a God-given Vision for the community. Leading God’s people is an exciting and exhausting task. It is urgent that you learn to lead so God’s purposes are fulfilled and you enjoy your ministry.


Leadership Coaching

Coaching is a process of discovery that will move you from Inspiration to Action. I can help you identify why God has called you into ministry and how to translate your vision into organization that will inspire people to follow you. Your team will learn to work together efficiently, the church will be excited to serve, and you will enjoy your ministry! 


Staff Development

Learning to lead leaders and ministry teams is necessary for a growing church. Your ministry team will learn to work together to address the changing demands of ministry.  Translating your God-given Vision into an Action Plan will bring fruit, joy, and excitement to the entire church. A Common Vision, Common Plan and Good Communication will transform a church.

Consider a Saturday team coaching.


Interim Pastor

Stabilize, Strengthen, and Search.

When a church loses its pastor suddenly, the people need a leader to strengthen and stabilize the church. I can provide a bridge between the previous pastor, assist in finding a new pastor and assist him in assimilating into the church with grace. I feel called to assist churches in these situations. My wife calls me the ER pastor.


Pastoral Transition

Every pastor and leader should plan for his/her successor. When a pastor is ready to retire or change ministry, I can help transition the church to the next pastor. The people, staff, ministry volunteers, and congregation will need to process the change together as we search for their next pastor. I love to assist pastors and churches through this transition to see how God is preparing for a new work.


Guest Speaking

Inviting me to speak or teach for a Sunday, retreat or ministry training will accomplish so many things for the church. Ministry is demanding and pastors need time off to rest and stay fresh. Teams and congregations need to hear a fresh voice. We all get tired, and Sabbatical is not a bad word.


Poimen has put together a suggested expense guidelines and services description. 


Podcast Episode 

Avoiding Pastoral Burnout-Leading On Empty

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